What is Ping?
Think of the sound submarines make in the movies (ping! ping!). The term ping is sometimes used in place of latency, but it's actually the sign/tool used to measure it. During the speed test, a latency test is additionally done and the ping sound is sent to you and measured. It's like asking someone an inquiry and measuring how long it takes for you to hear the response.
A ping is a simple tool. It sends out an echo request and waits for a reply. That's it. But, in that simplicity, there is a lot of potential for troubleshooting network issues and discovering problems.

Ping The Host
The first step in any connectivity troubleshooting with ping is to just try and ping the remote host. Remember, not all devices are configured to respond to a ping request, so be sure that what you are trying to ping can even respond. If your ping is returned, then the network is working, and any issue you are having lies somewhere else.
To use ping, just type ping and afterward the host you are trying to reach.
Ping By IP Address
Ping actually sends requests to an IP address. Which carries us to another troubleshooting step. If you can ping a host by its IP address, but not by the name, then the problem is with name resolution. In the example above, if I can ping the IP, but cannot ping the URL, then my problem is with resolving the name, perhaps a misconfigured DNS server. You can for example ping
Pingtest Global Network
The ping test tool helps to quickly see locations or regions around the world that may be experiencing slowdowns or outages at a glance.
The available ping test locations currently include:
Amsterdam, Netherlands
London, UK
Amazon Cloud-Japan
Montreal, Canada
New York, USA
Buenos Aires, Argentina
California, USA
Minneapolis, USA
Shanghai, China
Colorado, USA
Brisbane, Australia
Johannesburg, South Africa
Florida, USA
Tel Aviv, Israel
Warsaw, Poland
Paris, France
Texas, USA
Frankfurt, Germany
Washington, D.C.
Washington, USA
Hong Kong, China
Both the ping test and the traceroute tools are online versions of usually used desktop troubleshooting tools. The difference between the desktop tools and these online ping test tools is that you can run a ping test directly within your browser, and the test will be performed from the entirety of the above-listed locations simultaneously. This gives you an external view of your website and server response time. With an external view, you can easily identify potential problem areas that might be experiencing errors or other issues. Perform the Ping Speed Test.